Concert No. 4 approaches, and so does the Great Give

It’s almost April 29, which means the fourth concert in our Zimmermann’s Cafe series is about to be a reality.

We’re always excited about these concerts because we are reminded each time how many talented composers and performers live here in South Florida. Our fondest wish is that our audiences spread the word about the music we present and also that we have a classical scene absolutely worth getting excited about.

This Sunday’s concert at our unofficial home at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Lake Worth features chamber pieces by Carlos Rafael Rivera (whose music you can hear right now on Netflix; he’s the composer for Godless, starring Sam Waterston, Michelle Dockery and Jeff Daniels), Michael Bies, Dennis Kam, Dorothy Hindman and Robert Hebble.

This time around we’re featuring vocal music for the first time, presenting two pieces by Robert, one of them his own and another an arrangement of an organ prelude by J.S. Bach, who is sort of the spiritual father of the Zimmermann’s enterprise. All of the music we’re presenting is going to be absorbing and worthwhile, and we feel privileged to be able to bring it to the attention of a wider audience.

It’s not easy coming up with the funding to pay for all this, but luckily we’re a 501(c)3 nonprofit for which contributions can be written off. This Tuesday, April 24, Palm Beach County is taking part in the Great Give, a 24-hour fundraiser for county nonprofits like ourselves. We’d appreciate any help you can give us so we can continue to mount concerts of music by local composers.

Here’s our link to our Great Give page:

If you’re looking for a worthy cause to donate to on Tuesday, please give us a thought. Any and all contributions are welcome.

If you’re in town this Sunday at 4 p.m., stop by and hear some good local classical music and have some of our free sandwiches, sweets, coffee and wine. We’ll be happy to see you, and to have you take part in the dialogue between pieces.



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